Nevoia de miniaturizare i-a impins pe electronisti sa creeze opere de arta.
mai jos o sa prezit proiectul One Chip Arduino preluat de pe
- The circuit of LilyPad arduino is mounted on the DIP of ATmega88.
- There are Reset-SW,Skech loading pin-header and LED of D13.
- Using internal clock 8MHz.
- Doesn’t put ICSP pin-header because there is no space.
- Cost is less than 500yen($5).
- Source code of bootloader for the ATmega88 which is made by Mr. And recompiled it with clock 8MHz.
- Writing the sketch uses an USB-Serial converter.
LCD Digital Clock
It used „One Chip Arduino”, LCD and RTC. A breadboard can still afford.
Arduino on Arduino
I made DIP a flat by force to hold down height. And added the pin-header of ICSP.
It’s form such as a weird bug. The downside is more weird. When it was connected by ICSP cable , and it hung down, it seems to be „that Bug” of „The MATRIX”
Connected LCD. And display „those words”.
„One Chip Arduino” which I made as a joke. But, when I use it in a breadboard it is useful because mount area is so small.